1. Terms and Conditions

  • Users would need to agree to the terms before using the Un-splash Image Editor. This agreement would outline the terms under which users can access and use the editor.

Copyright and Licensing:

The terms would clarify that while the Un-splash Image Editor is a tool for editing images, the original copyright and licensing terms of the images obtained from Un-splash still apply. Users may only edit images they have proper rights to use and modify.

Non-commercial Use:

The terms might specify that edited images should not be used for commercial purposes unless the appropriate licenses have been acquired from the original image creators.

Prohibited Content:

Users might be prohibited from using the Un-splash Image Editor to edit or create images that contain offensive, illegal, or inappropriate content.


If the Un-splash Image Editor provides an option to add text or elements to the image, there might be guidelines on how to properly attribute the original image creators and the platform.


The terms might disclaim any responsibility for the quality of the edited images or any issues that arise from their use. Users might be encouraged to review and confirm the edited images before using them.


The terms could state that the Un-splash Image Editor’s features and functionalities might change over time, and users might not always have access to all features for free.


If the editor requires user accounts or the collection of personal information, there would likely be a section outlining the platform’s privacy practices and how user data is handled.


The terms might specify conditions under which the user’s access to the Un-splash Image Editor could be terminated, such as violating the terms of use.

Governing Law:

The terms could outline the jurisdiction and laws that govern the use of the Un-splash Image Editor.

2. Privacy Policy

Information Collection:

The policy would describe the types of information collected from users, which might include personal information (like name and email) and technical information (like IP addresses, browser information, etc.).

Use of Information:

It would explain how the collected information is used, such as to provide the editing service, improve the user experience, communicate with users, and potentially display relevant advertisements or promotions.

Cookies and Tracking:

The policy might discuss the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies to gather information about users’ interactions with the editor and the Un-splash website.

Data Sharing:

It would detail whether and how the collected information is shared with third parties. This could include service providers, partners, or advertisers.

User Generated Content:

If users are allowed to save or share edited images, the policy could address how these images are handled, including storage, sharing, and potential public display.

Third-Party Links:

If the Un-splash Image Editor includes links to third-party websites or services, the policy might clarify that they are not responsible for the privacy practices of those external sites.

Data Security:

The policy would likely discuss the measures in place to protect user data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security risks.

User Choices:

Users’ options regarding data collection, use, and sharing would be explained. This might include choices about cookies, email communications, and account settings.

Access and Correction:

The policy might outline how users can access, correct, or delete their personal information associated with the Un-splash Image Editor.

Children’s Privacy:

If the service is not intended for children under a certain age, the policy could address this and state that they do not knowingly collect information from children.


3. User Policy

Acceptance of Terms:

Users are required to agree to the terms of the policy before using the service. This might involve clicking an “Accept” button or otherwise indicating their consent.

User Conduct and Responsibilities:

Outlines the expected behavior of users while using the service. This could include rules against harassment, abusive language, illegal activities, and other inappropriate behavior.

Account Creation and Usage:

Describes how users can create accounts, including age requirements, and how accounts can be used. This might include instructions for maintaining account security.

Content Usage and Ownership:

Explains the rights and responsibilities users have when uploading or interacting with content on the platform. It may address copyright issues, permissions, and licensing.

Prohibited Content:

Lists types of content that are not allowed on the platform, such as explicit material, hate speech, or copyrighted content without permission.

Privacy and Data Usage:

Describes how user data is collected, stored, and used. This section might also explain what data is collected, how it’s protected, and if it’s shared with third parties.

User-generated Content:

Explains how user-generated content is handled on the platform. This could include guidelines for moderating and removing content that violates the terms.

Interactions with Others:

Provides guidelines for interacting with other users, including respecting their rights and not engaging in harassment, spamming, or other disruptive behavior.

Termination and Suspension:

Outlines conditions under which user accounts may be suspended or terminated. This could include violations of the terms or other disruptive behavior.

Limitation of Liability:

States that the service provider is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred while using the platform.

Changes to the Policy:

Informs users that the user policy might change over time and that they should periodically review the policy for updates.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Specifies the governing laws and jurisdiction that apply to the agreement.


4. Copyrights

Copyright Statement:

Begin with a clear statement indicating that the Un-splash Image Editor and its associated content are protected by copyright law.

Date of Copyright:

Include the year when the copyright was claimed or the work was first published.

Copyright Owner:

Specify the entity or individuals who own the copyright. This could be Un-splash or its parent company.

Rights Reserved:

Indicate that all rights are reserved, which means that users cannot use, reproduce, distribute, or modify the software or its associated content without permission.

Permitted Uses:

Explain the ways in which users are allowed to use the Un-splash Image Editor. This might include using the editor for personal, non-commercial purposes.

Prohibited Uses:

List uses that are not allowed, such as reverse engineering, unauthorized distribution, or any use that violates copyright laws.

Attribution Requirements:

If users are allowed to use the editor and create content, explain any attribution requirements they need to follow when sharing or using their edited images.


State that the Un-splash Image Editor is provided “as is” without any warranties, and the service provider is not liable for any damages or losses incurred while using the editor.


Explain conditions under which a user’s access to the editor might be terminated due to violations of the copyright notice or terms of use.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Specify the governing laws and jurisdiction that apply to the copyright notice and any legal disputes.

Contact Information:

Provide information on how users can contact the copyright owner for questions, concerns, or permissions related to the Un-splash Image Editor.



Cookies could be used to keep users authenticated so they don’t have to log in repeatedly while using the Image Editor.

Session Management:

Cookies might be employed to manage user sessions, allowing the Image Editor to remember user preferences and settings during a single session.


Cookies could store user preferences for the Image Editor, such as language settings or interface customizations.


Un-splash might use cookies to collect anonymous data about how users interact with the Image Editor. This information can help them understand usage patterns and improve the tool.


If Un-splash displays ads on the website or within the Image Editor, cookies might be used to track user interaction with those ads and to deliver targeted advertisements based on the user’s interests.

Third-party Services:

The Image Editor could use cookies from third-party services, such as analytics or social media platforms, to provide additional functionalities or gather more information about user behavior.


Cookies might be used for security purposes, such as detecting and preventing fraudulent activities.

Tracking and Retargeting:

Cookies could be utilized to track users’ interactions with the Image Editor and other parts of the Un-splash website, allowing for retargeting or personalized content recommendations.

Cookie Consent:

If applicable, cookies could be used to remember a user’s preference regarding cookies and tracking consent.